My friend, and fellow digi-scrapper, Tracy, of
Latte Dah Designs, tagged me for this meme. I often don't do the memes I get tagged with, depends on how busy I am, and whether or not the meme appeals to me. . . I decided to do this one; it's short, fun, and I could finish it quickly, and maybe it provides some info about me that will interest, horrify, or amuse you, LOL!
I'm not tagging anyone, but if you'd like to do this, please feel free, and make sure to let me know where you post your answers (or send them to me in an email). I save these for my family and close friends 'cuz someday I'm going to compile them all in a book and torture you with them, ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
I think memes also let you take a quick, close, peek at yourself and your life as it currently is, like a snapshot, in a way, and someday, we're going to really enjoy looking back on the answers. So here are my answers:
(written on Thursday, May 7, 2009)
8 Things I'm Looking Forward To:
1. Michael returning home from China.
2. Rodrigo & Dianna moving north and closer to me.
3. Emma’s bat mitzvah on May 30.
4. Kristen’s wedding in Hawaii-July 2009.
5. New paint on our house trim.
6. A newly cleaned and organized craft/guest room.
7. Seeing “Wicked” in San Francisco for my birthday.
8. Vegetables from our garden.
8 Things I did Yesterday:
1. Picked organic strawberries.
2. Bought tons of produce at Pedrick’s.
3. Read books, blogs, and email.
4. Watered the garden.
5. Took Jack (the cat) out in the backyard on collar & leash.
6. Put steel-cut oats in the crock-pot to cook overnight (yummy).
7. Pushed myself hard in Jazzercise class.
8. Went to the Friends of the Library Member’s-Only booksale.
8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
1. Go back to China at least once more.
2. Double the hours in the day.
3. Travel more.
4. Be more organized.
5. Sing.
6. Play the piano better.
7. Totally ignore politics.
8. Speak a foreign language.
8 Shows I have Watched:
1. Dog the Bounty Hunter
2. 30-Minute Meals
3. American Idol
4. The Apprentice
5. Jon & Kate + 8
6. Little People, Big World
7. To Catch a Predator
8. America’s Most Wanted